What to look for in a divorce attorney

Hiring a good Divorce Lawyer is an important decision. This is especially true if you are dealing with a high conflict divorce with complicated issues such as spousal support, child custody and property division. A good divorce attorney can help you navigate these complex legal issues, protect your rights and provide the necessary guidance to ensure that all court filings are complete and correct. If you are looking for a skilled Divorce Attorney, visit https://www.sacramentodivorceattorneys.net/ for guidance and Free Consultation! Here are some things to look for in a good attorney:

Strong Communication

A good divorce attorney will be able to explain complex legal matters in ways that you can understand and will be available to you to answer your questions. This may be through face to face meetings, phone or email. It is also a good idea to find out how the attorney prefers to communicate with clients as everyone has a different communication style.

Having the right personality

Divorce is an emotional time and tempers often flare. It is important that your lawyer is able to communicate effectively with you and with the opposing counsel in these tense situations. They should be able to calm your emotions, provide reassurance and keep you focused on what is most important to you and the legal outcome of your case.


The most important trait of a good divorce attorney is their expertise in the specific area of the law related to your case. You should choose an attorney who specializes in family law, focuses on the particular issue(s) related to your divorce and who has experience working with the judges and court system in your jurisdiction. In addition, you want an attorney who is experienced in negotiating settlements and who has extensive courtroom trial experience, if needed.

It is also a good idea to find an attorney who has a strong support team and is not so busy that they are not accessible when you have a question or concern. Having a paralegal, support attorney or legal assistant to assist with research and preparation can be a big benefit in the overall success of your case.

Finally, you will want to find an attorney that is cost-effective. Many local attorneys require expensive “evergreen” retainers which can quickly add up and you should avoid them if at all possible. Rather than hire the first attorney that you meet with, shop around and interview a few candidates to see which one is best for you. By taking the time to do this, you can find a great divorce attorney that will make the process easier and less stressful for you. This will ultimately save you money in the long run. Good luck!